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Become a Partner

CKOHT Membership Application Process

CKOHT membership expansion takes place through an open process for additional partnership members For CKOHT, a key component to our maturity efforts is growth and partnership expansion. Membership applications are reviewed annually in January (from submissions by Jan 10), and new members are welcomed in the Spring. 

CKOHT’s priority population is those aged 55 years+ with chronic conditions such as COPD, heart failure, dementia, diabetes, or have complex care (multiple chronic conditions), as well as persons with a palliative approach to care. CKOHT’s expanded priority population includes those living with mental illness and/or addictions. Additionally, transition is currently under way in Ontario to make home care more integrated through Ontario Health Teams. CKOHT is always looking to expand membership to those who provide services to equity deserving groups such as Indigenous, Francophone, 2SLGBTQIA+, Immigrant/Newcomers, Black communities, etc.  

CKOHT Partner Application Process

If your organization provides services to our priority population, you are encouraged to fill out a signatory partner application. If your organization provides health or social services to the Chatham-Kent area, but not CKOHT’s priority population, or you are not very familiar with CKOHT partnership, you are encouraged to fill out an Affiliate member application.  

Expression of interest forms must be completed and submitted to  

Please note that existing CKOHT Signatory Members do not need to apply. This is for new members only.  

*If you are a current Affiliate Member and would like to transition to become a Signatory Member, please email to set up a time to speak with a CKOHT staff member. You will be required to complete a Signatory Member application.