Meet the Team
Who is Involved in the Chatham-Kent Ontario Health Team?
There are 22 local health, community and social service organizations working together as signatory partners in the CKOHT. Additionally, several more agencies have given their support to the CKOHT as affiliate partners and intend to become more involved in future phases. Current partners include:

Alzheimer Society Chatham-Kent

Canadian Mental Health Association Lambton-Kent

Chatham-Kent Health Alliance

Chatham-Kent Community Health Centres

Chatham-Kent Family Health Team

Chatham-Kent Hospice

Erie St. Clair Behavioural Supports Ontario

Ontario Health atHome

March of Dimes Canada
Municipality of Chatham-Kent
St. Andrew’s Residence
Thamesview Family Health Team
Tilbury District Family Health Team
TransForm Shared Service Organization
Westover Treatment Centre
New Beginnings ABI & Stroke Recovery Association
Bayshore HealthCare
Care Partners
Community Living Wallaceburg
Entite Erie St. Clair/Sud-Ouest
Epilepsy Southwestern Ontario
CKOHT Co-Chairs
The CKOHT has 3 Co-Chairs: A Physician Co-Chair, a Patient and Family Advisor Co-Chair, and a Primary Care Administrative Co-Chair.
CKOHT staff are employed to support the work of our various partners.
The CKOHT Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC) is a key component of co-designing a local patient centred health system. Click here to learn more about the PFAC.