Mental Health and Addictions Anti-Stigma
Mental health and addictions affects anyone regardless of gender, age, income, ethnicity, sexual orientation, education, where they live, etc. Stigma is any attitude, belief or behaviour that discriminates against people and often emerges in the form of derogatory language that shames and/or belittles people. Stigmatizing language is inaccurate, hurtful, disempowering and one of the biggest barriers to accessing treatment and care.
CKOHT’s Mental Health and Addictions Anti-Stigma Task Team created the “Greater Than” Campaign
The “Greater Than” campaign emphasizes seeing individuals as Greater Than their mental health and addictions. It was created to provide awareness, start conversations, remove stereotypes, participate in activities to make people think differently, and ultimately work towards reducing stigma associated with mental health and addictions.
Watch CKOHT’s locally created and developed “Greater Than” Video
The original idea for the video came from a dedicated CKOHT patient advisor who is passionate about ending the stigma for those living with mental health and addictions.
Take the Pledge!
You can “Take the Pledge” to see individuals for Greater Than their mental health and addictions” by:
- Submitting your name online:
- Download, print and sign the Pledge Form